Domestic Violence Mediation
Are you or someone that you know involved in a Domestic Violence dispute in Brisbane, Queensland? It doesn’t have to stay in the court system. You can control the outcome and get a better result through Domestic Violence Mediation.
Negotiating an arrangement though a domestic violence mediation can get you out of court; save you money; let you get on with your life.
Domestic violence mediation can be conducted with one or both parties attending by Skype, but, if the parties to the dispute feel safe and are all happy to meet face to face, then a domestic violence mediation can be conducted in person. We can conduct a domestic violence mediation with or without lawyers, or even if only one party has a lawyer.
We have male and female mediators (Barristers and Solicitors) available if there are cultural issues involved. Our Brisbane Mediators all have experience in domestic violence litigation, family law, and criminal law.
A domestic violence mediation costs $1,320. If you can share the costs, that only $660 each. Compare that to what it cost you just for the first day of court. By the time of a trial, you could have saved tens of thousands of dollars.
Domestic Violence Mediation
Domestic violence mediation should be considered when any of these things are involved in the dispute:
(a) physical or sexual abuse; or
(b) emotional or psychological abuse; or
(c) financial abuse; or
(d) threatening any kind of abuse; or
(e) being coercive; or
(f) controlling or dominating behaviour causing another person to fear for their safety or wellbeing.
(g) causing injury to a person or threatening to do that;
(h) coercing a person into sexual activity or attempting to do so;
(i) damaging a person’s property or threatening to do so;
(j) depriving a person of their liberty (or threatening to do so);
(k) threatening a person with the death or injury of the person, a child of the person, or someone else;
(l) threatening to commit suicide or self-harm so as to torment, intimidate or frighten the person to whom the behaviour is directed;
(m) causing or threatening to cause the death of, or injury to, an animal, whether or not the animal belongs to the person to whom the behaviour is directed, so as to control, dominate or coerce the person;
(n) unauthorised surveillance of a person;
(o) unlawfully stalking a person.
(p) counselling or procuring someone to do any of things to another person.
If you need a Brisbane Mediator for a domestic violence dispute, contact us on 0402227498.